I confess, one of my favorite teachers on business and finance is radio personality, Dave Ramsey. If you’re serious about running your business I’d highly recommend purchasing his book, “EntreLeadership” and subscribing to his FREE “EntreLeadership” podcast.
On the EntreLeadership podcast recently Dave nailed me between the eyes with 3 simple points. Although I can’t quote it exactly, his 3 main points were something like this:
1. Stop sitting around and watching the TV. READ. Read non-fiction books. Often.
2. Exercise. Take care of your physical body and do the exercise needed to keep your body in tune and the proper release of endorphins and hormones in regulation. It boosts your creativity and changes your mood.
3. If you are a Christian, READ your Bible daily. It’s full of wisdom and instruction.
How do these 3 points resonate with you? What would you add?
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