

Amazon Changes: Unsolicited Email Saga and New Early Reviews [Episode 22]

Amazon Changes: Unsolicited Email Saga and New Early Reviews [Episode 22]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Welcome to Episode 22 of the E-BusinessOnline Podcast

Host & Speaker:  Fred McKinnon
Topic:   Fred breaks the big rule of Private Label and reveals a product and his launch strategy.

2 Things We Are Asking Every Listener to Consider:

  • Visit the Podcast on iTunes and leave a rating and written review (speak my love language, please!)

Episode 22:
Amazon Changes:  Unsolicited Emails and New Early Reviews
(plus updates on the Crazy Fidget Spinner Case Study)

Hello EBO’ers:

In today’s episode I talk about some of the recent changes at Amazon.  Specifically, I’m discussing the issue with followup emails not being delivered due to customers supposedly “opting out” of “unsolicited messages”.  What do you think?  Did these customers really all opt out?  How did they know they had the choice?  I’m not so sure.  I have a good 10-minute vent to process it.

Also in much better news we discuss Amazon’s new “Early Review” program that allows brand-registered, US-based sellers to enroll their SKU that have 5 or less SKU (and priced over $15) to potentially get reviews from Amazon customers.

Finally, I recap the results of the “Crazy Fidget Spinner Case Study” that I mentioned back in Episode 21.   If you haven’t signed up for the study yet, please check it out!

Signup for the case study by clicking here!

Download the show notes.

If you’re listening on our website, please consider clicking the subscribe links underneath the player to subscribe in iTunes or in Android apps.  We’d be honored to hear your comments about this podcast below and your reviews on iTunes.


Interested in having 1-on-1 consulting calls with Fred?   See the appointment calendar below:

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Table of Contents


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