Nightstick Case Study


Increase in Marketing Efficiency

Using strict spending limits, eComCatalyst was able to get Nighstick to less than 10% TACOS (Total Advertising Cost of Sales).


BuyBox Ownership

Since working with eComCatalyst, Nightstick is now selling directly to customers without re-seller interference.


Increase in Amazon Sales

In just 2 years, eComCatalyst has helped Nightstick double their annual revenue multiple times.


ASIN’s Managed

eComCatalyst has onboarded and optimized images and text for all these products enabling their success.


Industry: Professional Lighting

Location: Texas, USA


Nightstick, designed and manufactured by Bayco Products, Inc., is a global brand of professional lighting products including flashlights, headlamps and Intrinsically Safe lighting solutions that exceed the industry standards in performance, quality, user-safety and value.

eComCatalyst Services


Re-Sellers – Hundreds of third party sellers and MAP violators were selling Nightstick products online.  This was not only hurting Nightstick margins, but was also creating brand perception issues. 

Restricted Content Policies – Even though nightstick products did not violate Amazon policies, Amazon Bots would regularly takedown nightstick products leading to a significant loss in sales.

Pricing – Despite having clear MAP policies in place, policing pricing became an unwinnable task, leading to a race to the bottom.  As these MAP violations took place, it would lead to difficult conversations with retail partners.

Vendor Central to Seller Central Migration – Nightstick had created a vendor central account with Amazon before partnering with eComCatalyst.  Executing this migration while avoiding disruption was important.

Our Approach

When eComCatalyst first started talking with Nightstick management, there was a strong desire on their part to not sell directly to consumers.  They historically sold B2B and that model had worked well for them. Through extensive analysis and multiple conversations, the eComCatalyst team was able to present a different vision for how to succeed selling through Amazon FBA.

Win Back the BuyBox


Maximize “Up Time”


  • Nightstick went from 0% to 100% ownership of the Amazon Buy Box, maximizing their profitability.
  • Using a limited marketing budget of < 10%, Nightstick has over $5M in revenue in just 2 years on Amazon.
  • Nightstick is sending multiple truckloads of product to Amazon every week.

Feedback from Russell H, Nightstick, Bayco Corporation

The team at eCom Catalyst are consummate professionals at their craft. They are deeply engaged in the latest Amazon trends and don’t back down from a challenge. I should know as we had more than our fair share before we began our partnership 2 years ago!

eCom Catalyst leverages the power of master class networking groups to optimize Amazon results, and finds the answer no matter what seemingly impossible questions that I ask. You just have to admire a group of people who can match the level of passion for the success of your business as you have.

I love the fact my Brand Partner tells me what I need to hear, not what I want to hear, while always showing the path forward. He is focused, positive in everything he does, and yet fun to talk with at the same time. He continues to ask for ways to take work off my plate so I can concentrate on moving the needle within other areas of our business, which means more than you know.

Truly genuine and grounded … our team at eCom Catalyst personifies professionalism in all that they do. I find our conversations educational and informative. They apply techniques used at the highest levels of large organizations while communicating even on the smallest of asks.

I recommend eCom Catalyst because they aren’t afraid to document. They afraid to push me to improve our margins, and they are not afraid of rolling up the sleeves and putting in the work. We couldn’t be happier with the continued growth we have seen with eCom Catalyst.