

Amazon Suspensions – The Horror Stories [Episode 24]

Amazon Suspensions – The Horror Stories [Episode 24]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Welcome to Episode 24 of the E-BusinessOnline Podcast

Host & Speaker:  Fred McKinnon
Topic:   Fred returns after a few weeks of some really rough e-business events, including two account suspensions, staff layoffs, and a significant battle with sickness.

2 Things We Are Asking Every Listener to Consider:

  • Visit the Podcast on iTunes and leave a rating and written review (speak my love language, please!)

Episode 24:

Hey EBOers:

In this episode Fred does something that few people are willing to do.  He takes you straight into the details of when things go bad.  Yes, even as a veteran seller with over a decade of experience, things go wrong.  Our primary seller account was suspended two times in 48 hours and the second suspension lasted over a week.   It was an awful experience.    Fred talks about how those things can happen and how to weather the storm.

In the intro, Fred also discusses the various hats he wears, one of which is as a musician.  If interested in some of Fred’s music, you can listen at:

Web:  fredmckinnon.com
Worship Interludes Instrumental Podcast:   bit.ly/worshipinterludes

Lastly, send Fred an email and let him know where you’re listening from.   fred @ e-businessonline.com.


Download the show notes.

If you’re listening on our website, please consider clicking the subscribe links underneath the player to subscribe in iTunes or in Android apps.  We’d be honored to hear your comments about this podcast below and your reviews on iTunes.


Interested in having 1-on-1 consulting calls with Fred?   See the appointment calendar below:

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